Western and Eastern Hemispheres1887 World map, in colored lithograph and on double plate. Shows political boundaries. Relief illustrated with hachures. Includes 12 profile views. Sections” – of mountain ranges (1-10) and ocean depths (11-12)
Dimension: 4533×3609 px at 72 ppi
File size: 10.5 MB
Along the route of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Montreal to Vancouver, 2905 English miles
Section from north to south across the continent of Asia
Along the route of the Canadian Pacific Railway, New York to San Francisco, 3271 English miles
from east to west across the continent of Europe and Asia.
through Peru and Brazil.
6.Section across the African continent.
7.Section from north to south across New Guinea, Australia & Tasmania.
8.Section along the S. American Atlantic & Pacific Railway.
9,Section of the bed of the Atlantic Ocean, on which the Direct Telegraph Cable is laid.
10.Section across Europe from London to Genoa.
11.Section of the surface of the Earth along the equator. Showing height of the land and depth of the sea
12.Section of the surface of the Earth along the meridian lines

Other Globe maps
The Western and Eastern Hemispheres1887 file in vector format enable the user organise level of structuring of map.
A vector file (ai, pdf) has flexible tools for displaying elements of maps
- you can discrete or arbitrary scaling map
- performing group operation with selected features
- changing the orders of displaying layers
- switching in/off displaying os any layers
- changing attributes of selected object ( recolour, modify outline thick, transparency, symbols)
- adding or changing features of any items, (i.e. font type)
- copying and moving particular shapes
- merging different shapes (i.e. counties)
- adding, removing cartography symbols
For editing ai, pdf file use the most common Adobe Illustrator (version 10 or higher) or CorelDRAW (version 10 or higher). If you don't have Adobe Illustrator or Corel you can choose
free open source Inkscape - 57 MB -(Windows, Mac, Linux platform ) or Scribus (Windows, Mac, Linux (54 MB)