Washington state road and city map

Washington state road and city vector map. Preview
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Washington state road and city map.

Cities based on figures provided by the US Census 2020.
The map can be displayed in three ways. (You only need to turn 3 layers on or off for this)
1. As a western region of the United States
2.As a western region of the USA but with separate coloring Washington state
3. State of Washington is cutout of its surroundings.

Map elements

The map shows the names of more than 300 settlements, as well as the names of river lines and lakes with names if their area is larger than 2 sqmile.
The main roads are indicated by different colors. The interstate, highway, and stateway are marked with different colors, and the road numbers are also marked with the usual symbols.
The map also includes a scale bar.

Projection NAD 1983

File size: 5 MB. CS5 version.  PDF and Adobe Illustrator file

Washington state road and city map
Washington state road and city cutout selection. Illustrator map.
Washington state road and city map
The territory of the state is highlighted in a different color
Washington state road and city map
Washington state city and road vector map. State as part of North America.
Washington state road and city map
Layer structure of Washington state road and city map. Adobe Illustrator file.

The Washington state road and city map  file in vector format enable the user organise level of structuring of map.
A vector file (ai, pdf) has flexible tools for displaying elements of maps
- you can discrete or arbitrary scaling map
- performing group operation with selected features
- changing the orders of displaying layers
- switching in/off displaying os any layers
- changing attributes of selected object ( recolour, modify outline thick, transparency, symbols)
- adding or changing features of any items, (i.e. font type)
- copying and moving particular shapes
- merging different shapes (i.e. counties)
- adding, removing cartography symbols

For editing ai, pdf file use the most common Adobe Illustrator (version 10 or higher) or CorelDRAW (version 10 or higher). If you don't have Adobe Illustrator or Corel you can choose
free open source Inkscape - 57 MB -(Windows, Mac, Linux platform ) or Scribus (Windows, Mac, Linux (54 MB)
