Alaska Zip Code Map vector file

Alaska Zip Code Map vector file

Alaska Zip Code Map can be downloaded in two file types: PDF and Adobe Illustrator

Information about Alaska zip code map

Idaho zip code is a range from 99501 to 99812. Includes 274 zip codes.

What types are zip codes ?

PO Box ZIP Codes: These ZIP codes are specifically designated for P.O. Box addresses at post offices. Since P.O. Boxes are often located within post office facilities, they have unique ZIP codes to distinguish them from standard street addresses. Alaska has 211 PO BOX ZIP codes

Unique ZIP Codes: A ZIP Code assigned to a company, government agency Alaska has 2 Unique ZIP codes

Military ZIP Codes: These ZIP codes are used for military installations, including bases, posts, camps, and ships.

Alaska free zip codes list – 2023. xlsx file


zip code, typ, primary city, state, county-borough, timezone, area codes, est.polulation.
