Preview of California state 5 digit zip code and area code vector map

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Preview of California state 5 digit zip code and area code vector map

. There are several cases where you need a zip code map for an entire state. For example, this is a 5-digit zip code map of California. It doesn’t matter if it’s an editor. You’re in the right place, and this is such an example. If you want to open a store or your company wants to conquer new areas, then you need to know where it is worth doing this. This map is so different from the usual one that the parts of Los Angeles divided by zip code have inserted on a separate layer. The number of fields here is very dense, which is why they appear separately on the map. And the projection is the same as the usual Google or Bing map: Web-Mercator.

CA state 5 digit zip code and area code layer structure

– area codes
-area code
-area shapes
-Los Angeles
-zip code
– name
– zip polygons selection
– zip code
– a name
– polygons

Zip code 907 list

5 digit Zip Code  City County
90201 Bell Los Angeles County
90201 Bell Gardens Los Angeles County
90201 Cudahy Los Angeles County
90202 Bell Los Angeles County
90202 Bell Gardens Los Angeles County
90209 Beverly Hills Los Angeles County
90210 Beverly Hills Los Angeles County
90211 Beverly Hills Los Angeles County
90212 Beverly Hills Los Angeles County
90213 Beverly Hills Los Angeles County
90220 Rancho Dominguez Los Angeles County
90220 Compton Los Angeles County
90221 East Rancho Dominguez Los Angeles County
90221 Compton Los Angeles County
90222 Rosewood Los Angeles County
90222 Compton Los Angeles County
90223 Compton Los Angeles County
90224 Rancho Dominguez Los Angeles County

Preview of California state 5 digit zip code and area code vector map

Preview of California state 5 digit zip code and area code vector map
California state 5 digit zip code and area code vector map

California free map
Califronia highway map
California county map
California 3 digit zip code map
California colored county map
California simple zip code map
California subdivison map
California road vector map
California free antique map
San Francisco zip code map
Pacific region counties

The Preview of California state 5 digit zip code and area code vector map  file in vector format enable the user organise level of structuring of map.
A vector file (ai, pdf) has flexible tools for displaying elements of maps
- you can discrete or arbitrary scaling map
- performing group operation with selected features
- changing the orders of displaying layers
- switching in/off displaying os any layers
- changing attributes of selected object ( recolour, modify outline thick, transparency, symbols)
- adding or changing features of any items, (i.e. font type)
- copying and moving particular shapes
- merging different shapes (i.e. counties)
- adding, removing cartography symbols

For editing ai, pdf file use the most common Adobe Illustrator (version 10 or higher) or CorelDRAW (version 10 or higher). If you don't have Adobe Illustrator or Corel you can choose
free open source Inkscape - 57 MB -(Windows, Mac, Linux platform ) or Scribus (Windows, Mac, Linux (54 MB)
